Friday, May 31, 2013

How to install DAR into Documentum repository

Documentum artifacts (jobs, methods, modules, lifecycles, custom types, etc.) are created in a Composer project and built into a DAR file, which consequently must be installed into the repository using DARDeployer (in previous versions called DARInstaller) or Composer Headless (using scripts).
Note: the Composer project artifacts can also be installed into the repository directly from Composer, by choosing Install Documentum Project... item in the context menu (right click on project): specify repository name, user name, password, domain (optional), press login, then install.

To install a DAR file, open DarInstaller (or DARDeployer in old versions) and fill the fields:
 - DAR: the DAR file to install (required)
 - Input File: the installation parameters file (file with custom installation parameters)
 - Locale Folder: Folder with localization
 - Log File: log file location (in case you don't want the default location)

Once filled these fields, select the docbroker host, enter a port number (default: 1489), press Connect to get the repositories list. Then select a repository from the list, enter user name (superuser), password and domain (optional). When ready, click the Install button. The installation process starts and once it's completed you will see a message telling the dar was installed successfully. In case of errors, you will be notified with a proper message (no changes take place as the DAR installation is done in a transaction). In this case check the logs and try to solve the issue (sometimes it might be a trivial connection lost with the CS), then reinstall the DAR file. Sometimes, before reinstalling the DAR, Data Dictionary re-publish could be necessary (using dm_DataDictionaryPublisher job or just with API command: publish_dd,c).

If you can't use DARDeployer (for ex. non-Windows OS: Linux, AIX, etc.), you can install the DAR using Composer Headless. For this, you must create 3 files:

1. darinstall (script file)
Here's a template of the script file (Linux):

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/documentum/shared/java/1.6.0_17
export ECLIPSE=/opt/documentum/product/6.7/install/composer/ComposerHeadless
export WORKSPACE=/opt/project/darinstall-workspace
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -cp $ECLIPSE/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -clean -data $WORKSPACE -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile darinstall.xml

2. darinstall.xml (Ant buildfile)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="darinstall" default="install">
  <description>ant script to install a DAR file</description>
    <property file=""/>
    <property name="dar.folder" value="." />
    <target name="install">
      <antcall target="_install.dar">
        <param name="dar.file" value="${dar.folder}/CustomTypes.dar" />
      <!-- other dars, in order of dependency -->
    <target name="_install.dar">
      <echo message="============================"/>
      <echo message="Installing DAR ${dar.file}"/>
      <echo message="============================"/>
      <emc.install dar="${dar.file}" docbase="${dctm.docbase}" username="${dctm.username}" password="${dctm.password}"/>

3. (configurations,credentials)

Now just launch the first script (darinstall), wait until it completes, then check installation logs. If you find no errors/warnings, it's done!


  1. We are getting below excerption when doing the install using ant -
    emc.installer] Caused by: DfException:: THREAD: main; MSG: [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_LINK_PERMIT2]error: "Linking or unlinking to the
    folder '/Prodagio/Reports' failed on sysobject '0906979380000e05'. WRITE permit is required on the folder, when using folder
    security."; ERRORCODE: 100; NEXT: null

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

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