Sunday, June 16, 2013

D2 4.1 custom logo

D2 has a standard logo which cannot be changed from configuration at the moment (though it is planned to be so from version 4.2).
You can change the D2 logo in version 4.1, but it requires customizing the D2 webapp by modifying a D2 CSS file. You can change the logo both on the login frame and menu bar. Here is the procedure to replace the D2 logo:

1. Prepare your custom D2 logo: make it in PNG format, 70x50 pixels and transparent background
2. Copy your custom logo (in our case d2_custom.png) into location resources/com/emc/x3/client/resources/images/logo
3. To replace the D2 logo in the menu bar open the file resources/themes/slate/css/xtheme-x3.css and search for "img.x3_portal_logo" (usualy line 61). In the CSS class add the style part marked in bold:

img.x3-portal-logo {
background-color: transparent !important;
z-index: 2;
width: 80px;
/* CSS customization start */
background-image: url("/D2/resources/com/emc/x3/client/resources/images/logo/d2_custom.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 0 !important;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 60px 0 0;
/* CSS customization end */


4. To replace the D2 logo on the login window, in the same css file search for ".x3-login-window-banner" (usualy line 473) and add a new style, the one marked in bold:

.x3-login-window-banner {
/* height: 50px; */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #707070, #000000) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#707070), to(#000000));
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(StartColorStr=#707070,EndColorStr=#000000,GradientType=0);
border-bottom: 2px solid #CCCCCC;
/* the following props are temporary until we get logo img */
padding: 0 0 0 10px;

/* CSS customization start */
.x3-login-window-banner img {
background-image: url("/D2/resources/com/emc/x3/client/resources/images/logo/d2_custom.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 0 !important;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 60px 0 0;
width: 80px;
/* CSS customization end */

After you make the changes, restart the application server, cleaning the cache, clean your browser(s) cache, then check if your custom D2 logo is correctly displayed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

D2 back-end tweaking

D2 is a new EMC Documentum application which comes with a brand new concept and technology. It's really dynamic, user-friendly and fast. In order to not experience a downgrade of performance as time passes, we should tweak and fine tune its environment. In this article we'll focus on the back-end, Documentum side. There are several easy tunings that can optimize your Documentum D2 system:

1. Disable unused jobs
The following jobs can be inactivated when you don't use certain features:

a) If you don't use external tasks (sent/received via email) in your Workflows:
- D2JobWFReceiveTaskMail
- D2JobWFSendTaskMail

b) If you don't use Workflows at all:
- D2JobWFReceiveTaskMail
- D2JobWFSendTaskMail
- D2JobWFCleanerWorkflows
- D2JobWFLaunchScheduledWorkflows
- D2JobWFCleanPopHistory
- D2JobWFFollowUpTaskNotif
- D2JobWFWorkflowsNotifications
- D2JobDelegation

2. Review jobs schedule
Many D2 jobs are scheduled to run often (even every 5 minutes), so if some features are not used very often, or refresh rate is not very important, consider encreasing scheduled run rate.

3. Activate and schedule Administration Jobs
Ensure the following Documentum Administration jobs are active and run on a regular basis:
- dm_DMClean (removes deleted and orphaned objects from the docbase)
- dm_DMFilescan (removes deleted or orphaned content files from the file system)
- dm_LogPurge (removes server and session logs from the docbase and file system)
- dm_ConsistencyChecker (runs lots of integrity checks on the docbase)
- dm_UpdateStates (update database table statistics and repairs fragmented tables)
- dm_QueueMgt (deletes dequeued Inbox (dmi_queue_item) items from the docbase)

4. Disable/modify auditing when possible
D2 is pretty dynamic environment, objects are saved/modified many times, many jobs run and pretty often. This leads to a considerable amount of audit entries being created, which impacts the repository performance.
If you don't need auditing for all objects in the repository for the default set of events, remove the event dm_default_set from audit management. You can add this set and other events for custom types used by your applications, or even a specific set of events for custom types.
You can remove default auditing from Documentum Administrator, or by using unregsiter API command.

5. Review indexing configuration
If you have fulltext indexing enabled, check what types are configured to be indexed and try to narrow the count as possible (don't index global types like dm_sysobject, dm_document, etc.).

Monday, June 3, 2013

How to insert a node in browsertree in Webtop

Adding and modifiying Webtop (or other WDK application) browsertree nodes is done by customizing the browsertree component. To achieve this, you must do the following:
In Webtop custom layer, in config folder (or its subfolder, according to your structure) create a new file browsertree_component.xml (or find the existing one), which will override the brosertree component configuration. Here's a sample of how the configuration should look like:
<config version="1.0">
    <component modifies="browsertree:webtop/config/browsertree_component.xml">
      <insertafter path="nodes.docbasenodes.node[componentid=inboxclassic]">
        <node componentid="custom_node">
          <label>Custom Node</label>
      <!-- below optional parts -->
      <replace path="pages.start">
      <replace path="nlsbundle">

In this example we modify the browsertree component configuration from webtop layer by inserting a new node after the node inboxclassic. Our node will display the "custom_node" component, which must be a WDK component. We also replaced the browsertree standard jsp layout with out custom jsp. Finally, we've defined a custom NLS resource bundle for localizable strings.
Note that we've used definition modification (introduced in WDK 6.x), but the same result can be achieved by extending the component definition from parent layer (although it usually requires copying big xml parts from parent definition).