Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to create a custom job in Documentum

Documentum jobs allow to process some objects automatically, by schedule, according to the business logic. They are pretty similar to scheduled tasks on Operating Systems. When started, the job calls a Documentum method which executes the desired logic. The methods are executed on the Java Method Server (JMS), which is part of the Content Server installation.
A job consists of several items:
 1) Job Method implementation code
 1.1) for BOF 2.0: corresponding implementation jar(s) and module
 2) dm_method object - which holds information about the method, implementation class, etc.
 3) dm_job object - which holds information about job, its schedule, last and next invocation, current status, the method it runs, etc.

Here's how to create all of the required items for the job.

1. Job method implementation code
First of all you have to write the code that will implement the logic the job method will perform. There are 2 approaches of deploying this code: BOF 1.0 or 2.0.
With BOF 1.0 the method classes are deployed manually on the JMS (path: [JBOSS]\server\DctmServer_MethodServer\deploy\ServerApps.ear\DmMethods.war\WEB-INF\lib), while BOF 2.0 requires you to deploy the implementation jars into the repository and associate them with a BOF module.
For both approaches you can find job method implementation classes samples here: Custom job method DFC code sample
When you're done with coding, compile the implementation classes and build the jar.

1.1 Implementation jar(s) and module (for BOF 2.0)
Open Composer and create the follosing artifacts:
a) Jar: the artifact name should be equal to the jar name (to avoid confusion), the jar type is Implementation.
b) Module: the module name must be equal to the full class name (with packages), modul type: Standard Module, choose the implementation jar created at previous step (a), select the class name (equal to module name). In addition specify all the required modules and Java libraries used by your implementation class(es).

2. dm_method object
a) Using Composer
In Composer create a Method artifact, enter the method name, select type: java, Command: module name (equal to implementation full class name), Run Controls: Run Synchronously, check the options: Run as the server, Trace launch, Use method server, Launch directly. If your code is taking considerable time to run, increase the timeout values.

b) Using Documentum Administrator
Open DA and go to Job Management->Methods node level. From menubar select File->New->Method, enter required values and save the method.

c) Using DQL:
create dm_method object
set object_name = 'MyCustomMethod',
set launch_async = false, set launch_direct = true, set method_type = 'java',
set method_verb = 'com.documentum.project.method.SomeCustomMethod',
set run_as_server = true, set timeout_default = 600,
set timeout_min = 300, set timeout_max = 3000, set trace_launch = true,
set use_method_content = false, set use_method_server = true;

3. dm_job object
a) Using Composer
In Composer create a Job artifact, enter job name, Subject, select the Method (created at step 2), set schedule options. In Arguments section you can add custom arguments passed to your method implementation class. Keep in mind that even if you use custom arguments, you should also pass the standard arguments (docbase name, installation owner, job id, etc.) which are used to manage the job. Thus, in order to add custom arguments select Custom Arguments, add desired arguments with values, then switch back to Standard Arguments. Save the job artifact.

b) Using Documentum Administrator
Open DA and go to Job Management->Jobs node level. From menubar select File->New->Job, enter required values and save the job.

c) Using DQL:
create dm_job object
set object_name = 'MyCustomJob',
set title = 'Title', set subject = 'Job description',
set pass_standard_arguments = true, set is_inactive = false,
set start_date = DATE('01/01/2013'), 

set expiration_date = DATE('01/01/2020'), 
set a_next_invocation = DATE('02/01/2013'), set max_iterations = 0,
set method_name = 'MyCustomMethod', set run_mode = 3,
set run_interval = 1, set inactivate_after_failure = true;

Now you have all the required items for you job. Build the composer project, install it into the repository (from Composer, right click the project and choose Install Documentum Project... or take the built DAR from bin-dir folder and install it using DarDeployer/DarInstaller). If you're using BOF 1.0, deploy manually the implementation jar on JMS (usualy in [JBOSS]\server\DctmServer_MethodServer\deploy\ServerApps.ear\DmMethods.war\WEB-INF\lib).
If it's not the first deployment of the DAR, it's better to restart the JMS and clear the BOF cache (mandatory in case of BOF 1.0).

It's done! Go on with testing: run the new job and check the job report and JMS logs.